
Archive for the ‘shocking’ Category

Setting: Sitting at my alcove window. First snow is falling. Coffee laced Bailey’s in hand.
Background Sounds: Bluegrass gospel intoxication.

I heard rumors of snow yesterday. All winter long I’ve been saying that I hated the cold, that I missed summer, but when I heard snow I actually was looking forward to it. I can’t pretend I love the cold. I don’t. I do however love getting warm after being cold. I do love admiring the snow falling down outside my window. I love the feel of snow. I love the mood it creates. I love the smell of the sky right before it snows.

I’m going for a walk later, maybe to a movie. I’m thinking Borat. I’m thinking silly. I’m thinking over the top. I’m thinking shocking. The last movie I saw was the comedy “Little Miss Sunshine” It was surprisingly original and fresh and darker than I ever would have expected.

I’m thinking I wished I knew how to ski. I’m thinking I wish the snow would stick. I want to build a snowdancer. As a kid we used to play “journey to the snow people”. We would traverse all over my neighbor Rebecca’s yard looking for the snow people;three snowmen built earlier in the day. (Memory is a strange thing and I can’t remember who built the snowmen) I just know they were there when the game began. We would crush the heavy impacted snow in convoluted paths around her yard to make it back to the strip of snow covered grass just above the flowerbed in front of her house . Then we would go inside and drink cocoa and other homemade concoctions we invented.

Background Music Interlude: Mark Knophler and Emmylou Harris “Live Roadrunning”
track: Romeo and Juliet

Once inspired by Natalie Babbit’s “Search for Delicious”, Rebecca went outside, gathered some fresh snow and poured maple syrup on top. She said ” I think we found delicious.”

Sidebar: I never made it to Borat. I never even made it outside while the snow was falling. I’ve been enjoying writing this too much. Good for my writing and bad for my walking in the falling snow.

We found delicious that one winter. I remember sliding down the driveway in the back of my house. At the time, that hill seemed enormous. Guess size really is relevant.

I missed walking in the falling snow and the movie this afternoon. I don’t want to miss dancing tonight.

Ending Music: Mark Sandman
Album: Sandbox disc 2
Song: Snow

Note: Snow is the sexiest song about Snow I know.
I would also recommend Mark Erelli’s “Snowed in” It’s sexy too, but in a completely different way. More on Mark Erelli- coming soon on Bluegrass in my pocket.

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